S9 E80 - Tanya Hirschy


Tune in to this great episode that Shelly and I had with Tanya Hirschy, the founder of Tidy Books Boutique . We talk about what led her into this business after having been a photographer and then she shares tips on why all creatives should take the stress of money, billing, bookkeeping etc. off of their plate in order to create space for their craft and moving their business forward financially. Money is never easy to talk about, asking for help is never easy to do but this episode will hopefully inspire you to try!

Our Sponsor this season is also our first episode's guest, Tidy Books! If you have ever felt stress, procrastination or dread over your finances, you are not alone. So many photographers, artists, and creatives would describe themselves as "not a numbers person." And let's face it, you've got better things to do than filing receipts and figuring out Quickbooks. That's why Tidy Books provides monthly bookkeeping services to help you be as hands off as you want to be with your finances but still see the big picture of your business at any time of the year. If this sounds intriguing to you, contact Tanya for a free consultation and 50% off of your 1st month of bookkeeping with the code Tidy50.

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S9 E81 - Krista Miller


S8 E79 - Kannetha Brown